瑪利灣學校 MARYCOVE SCHOOL 中文地址 香港仔黃竹坑南朗山道32號 英文地址 32 Nam Long Shan Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen, Hong Kong. 服務類別 群育學校 電話 25540167 傳真 25521403 電郵地址 [email protected] 學校網址 http://www.marycove.edu.hk

鋼琴演奏級L.T.C.L(Distinction)招收各級鋼琴,樂理學生,及,誠意助各器樂考級伴奏. 有意請電吳小姐6806-1711

10 Carmel students represented Hong Kong to participate in the First Lego League World Festival held at Atlanta, USA between April 13 to 17. They were ranked 14th in the Robotic Performance Category

Cafeteria by Favilla 餐廳位於紅磡香港理工大學Z座2樓

School History Ying Wa Girls' School was founded in 1900 by Miss Helen Davies of the former London Missionary Society. It started off as a boarding school for girls and expanded to include a secondar

reloSMART is a professional relocation company in Hong Kong that was built with one aim - to offer SMART moving solutions. They believe that relocation should be simple, not rocket science.

换油及大修波箱車頭服務 更換呔尺 狗骨四輪定位服務 拖車救車24小時、换機器膠服務及救車换電服務🚜 歡迎致電或whatsapp查詢

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MAINLADY - 品牌包括: YSL、DIOR、SK-II、CHANEL、KIEHLS、JO MALONE、ARMANI、C.P.B.、雪花秀、LANEIGE、Whoo、ESTEE LAUDER等。 原廠海外批發進口,每星期平均有一至兩批貨品到港。一律經船運、空運或EMS寄出。 日,韓,歐美化妝品護膚品香水批發,批發價低至三折起不等,視乎品牌而定。

香港道教聯合會圓玄幼稚園 (富善村) 大埔富善村善美樓地下 HK Taoist Assn Yuen Yuen Kindergarten (Fu Shin Est) G/F., Shin Mei Hse,FU SHIN ESTATE, Tai Po 26614583

香港培道小學 Pooi To Primary School 辦學宗旨 : 灌輸學術智能,培育完美品德,啟迪基督真理,愉快學校生活。 學 習 生 活 每週上學日數 : 5 天 每日一般上課節數 : 8 每節一般時間 : 35 分鐘 一般上學時間 : 8:20 一般放學時間 : 3:15 午膳時間 : 11:40至12:15 午膳安排 : 由指定供應商提供 由家長安排 學校健康生活 : 在校成立午膳

For over 22 years, Kids' Gallery has been the pioneer for youth arts education in Hong Kong with its centres offering the best creative arts programmes across Asia. Our centres are located in Kowloon

心光恩望學校 EBENEZER NEW HOPE SCHOOL 中文地址 香港薄扶林道131號 英文地址 131 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. 服務類別 視障兒童學校 電話 28170503 傳真 28728418 電郵地址 [email protected] 學校網址 http://www.ebenezer.org.hk 辦學理念 本校在基督教精神引導下,為視障


文理書院(香港)由一群香港大學畢業生於一九六二年創辦;早期為獨立私校,校址在銅鑼灣電氣道金殿大廈二樓;六七年遷至灣仔萬茂徑;一九七零及一九七四年分別在九龍新蒲崗及香港柴灣興建獨立校舍。一九八二年港九兩校已全面轉為津貼中學。 抱負(Vision) 我校矢志成為一所不斷追求卓越、自我完善的中學,培育富有才幹、知識、愛心及責任感的年青人。 We aim to be a school which con

鮨政 餐廳位於香港仔香港仔大道142號地下

The College About The College Wah Yan College, Hong Kong is a grant-in-aid secondary school in Hong Kong. It was founded on December 16, 1919, by Tsui Yan Sau Peter. It is a Roman Catholic secondary

reloSMART is a professional relocation company in Hong Kong that was built with one aim - to offer SMART moving solutions. They believe that relocation should be simple, not rocket science.

In April 1967 the Chan family approached the Jesuits to ask if they would be interested in taking over the running of a secondary school to the building of which they intended contributing in memory

天資加勤勞,踏上青雲路。 青松中學成為『和諧校園』的咒語 :「唔該哂!多謝哂!辛苦哂!」 學術體藝,多元發展,攜手同心,邁向明天。 和顏悅色 無言感激 拳腳相向 惡形惡相 語言暴力 罪大惡極 加強溝通 相處輕鬆 Tough times never last, tough people DO !! Chains of Verses from Sports Gear Brands: Nothing
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